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The Eye of Faith...

Have you ever ridden one of those mechanical bulls? Unless you are attached to the bull via velcro, you are sure to fly off! Ouch! But, what if I were to tell you that as a Christian, you can ride the bull of life and never fall off? With the "eye" (singular), of faith, we can!

It is a fact that no one is "saved" from their sins and from hell by any other means than by Christ Jesus! And no one is "sanctified" (set apart to be made in the image of Jesus) by any other means than by the Holy Spirit! The Bible tells us of all the great and precious promises God has lavished upon every truly born-again believer. The simplicity of being a successful Christian is using the "eye" of faith to sternly stand upon the promises of God!

Jesus granted Peter the ability to walk on water, and as long as Peter's eyes were laser focused upon the loving eyes of Jesus, Peter remained upon the water, standing on the sea firmly as standing in his own kitchen. But when he disconnected his line of sight from Jesus, Peter fell in the raging briny sea. Peter's immediate cry was, "Lord, save me!" And Jesus rescued him.

Comedian, now transformed into evangelist, Michael Jr., made this comment during one of his comedy gigs, “Life will bring you people and circumstances to reveal where you are not free, yet.” This is revolutionary! We are Saved and Sanctified by Grace! Our baptism signaled the daily death to ourselves, but alive unto God! In the process of being made more into the image of Jesus, we will encounter and face obstacles via processes, people, and or circumstances. With the 'shield of faith,' we can thwart the fiery darts of the devil. But with every one of these interactions, God is honing us, sharpening us, making us more into the image of Jesus Christ. This tells us we need to be humble to learn the lesson to remain on the bull! We are not free (knocked off that bull) if we resort to dealing with these interactions on our own, in our own power. 

Our immediate response should be to Cry out to God, Crack Open the Bible, Cling to Faith, Cherish Grace, Consume Compelling Love!! It is then we realize Galatians 5:6, " works by Love." It is the present day way of saying, "Lord, save me!" And Jesus does!

May we in the power of the Holy Spirit, follow the Lordship of Jesus Christ!


Bullittsburg Baptist Church
2616 Bullittsburg Church Road, Petersburg, KY 41080

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