The word ‘Revival’ meant something a generation or two ago. There were several sweeping revivals in Europe, England, and the United States. Our church was a part of what is called the “Second Great Awakening” which occurred in the early 1800’s.
The reason why ‘Revival’ does not have the same readily awful awesomeness as it once had is simple. People, even Christians, have, or are, replacing God with the allurements of Sin, Satan, and Self. The speed of technology has occupied our 'every day.'
We have become obese and overfed by worldly foods. There are outright haters of God with very bad messaging. There are so-called Christian media personalities peddling their money mongering, bad messages of diluted Scripture. There is also dubious and persuasive political efforts to sway Christians away from their strong Biblical footings. Then there is so much hype on emotions in music, stories, and pop prosperity ploys.
Revival is real. Why? Because God is real. God wants to make us in His image. Mankind, especially new age Christians, so-called, are wanting to make God in their image.
Christian, Jesus died on the cross for your sin that had separated you from Holy God! From the moment of salvation till our eternal heaven, God desires to make us into the image of Jesus to make us ready for His heaven.
Christian, sin is at you heart’s door. You need to get right with God! There are 4 ingredients in this sure-fire recipe namely, The Bible, Prayer, Church, and the Telling of your faith. Revival is God’s work in YOU. Someone said, “Circumstances + Perspective = Experience.” God is at work in your circumstances to bring you to SEE and PERCIEVE His Light upon who you have become apart from God. If your perspective is that of God, then you will have a positive experience by renewing your desire to dive into the Bible, to Pray, to find life in the Church, and acquire a burning urge to tell others about Jesus Christ, the Savior and Lord of life.
Should that happen to you, then Revival has taken place in your heart and soul, and mind. May this truly happen to you and me! How? Open your eyes, ask God to show you how He sees you; then confess, repent, and receive the instructions from the Holy Spirit. Apply this to your life and you will be a living example of Revival. God in you!
May your legacy of faith "In Christ" "Through the Holy Spirit" be what everyone remembers!