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Are You Anointed?

Many Christians do not have a clear handle on the meaning of the term 'anointed'. Too many hear TV preachers declare they are 'especially' anointed. Some have even gone so far as to declare they have a more than special relationship with God that God Himself asks them for their opinion! Yikes! That certainly is some deceiptful and dangerious ground there!!

II Cor 1:21 tells us that every truly born-again Christian has been given he anointing of the Holy Spirit at the moment we are saved. And, in I Jn 2:27 we are told this anointing we have received not only abides within us, but also that we do not need anyone to teach us any other truth, for the true Truth is none other that the One Who is called Truth, and that is Jesus!

But too often most Christians want to believe only the preacher or pastor or priest is anointed. No wonder people follow blindly! The anointing of God upon every Christian does not relate to secular things, rather spiritual matters. So this begs the question, what are you and I anointed to do spiritually?

Someone has put together varous scriptures which outlines what we are anointed to do. These are: "[1] to Love God and Keep His commandments, [2] to Pray for God's will to be done, [3] to Feed upon, Study, and Obey God's Word, the Bible, [4] to Humbly Honor and Serve God's people, [5] Preach, Teach, and Speak to make Disciples, [6] to Keep youself Pure so to Love and Raise your family in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, [7] to Give your tithes and offerings for God's service, [8] to verbally and actively Compel all non-Christians to beleive on the Lord Jesus Christ and His resurrection, [9] and last, but not least, to continue to be in Awe of God and to Tremble at His Word."

So, are you anointed? Well, if you are a truly born-again Christian, you are. Isn't it great! YOU ARE ANOINTED!! Now live it!!

May your legacy of faith "In Christ" "Through the Holy Spirit" be what everyone remembers!


Bullittsburg Baptist Church
2616 Bullittsburg Church Road, Petersburg, KY 41080

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